Well, I would love to have something funny, mildly hilarious, or even slightly thought provoking for you today. But instead my brain is swimming around with carbohydrates.
Thanks homework for sabotaging my life, and apparently this blog post too.
How about a few updates then? It's better than something crazy that I might come up with instead.
-John's grandfather is trucking along. After more testing he has cancer on a lung as well as his liver. He has began chemo treatments and seems to be handling them well. He will continue those for a few weeks before he has more scans and tests to see how the cancer is reacting.
-Bailey. The boxer that we rescued. He is still living with us. A part of us wants to keep him, and a part of us wants to see him go to a home that doesn't have another little mean dog like Blaze. They get along fine, when no one is looking. If Blaze catches you looking those kisses that she was just giving him turns into snarls and growls.
-I still haven't heard anything on my application yet. They have had it since Monday, surely they have read it and realize how wonderful I am, and they want me to join their campus. Plus, they could sure use the money.
-I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving, mostly for the days off work. I'm tired of homework and work. I just have a case of the blah's. I would wish for excitement, but it usually isn't the kind that I want. So we will keep the blah's, thankyouverymuch!
-I'm still not finished with Christmas shopping. However, I am finishing off my grandfather's gifts this weekend. Amazingly so I only have 6 people left, and a couple of "extras" in case someone else should pop up that I'm not prepared for. So, it's not quite as bad as it seems. Plus, based on circumstances that my niece and nephew are currently facing, I would like to do a little more for them than I have done.
-Debbie and her husband are getting a divorce. I'm sad for them, and their children. I'm also thankful that I'm married to a good man, and that after almost 11 years we still have a good, solid relationship. I'm sad that one or both, depends on who you talk to, had done childish things to "hurt" the other person. They are forgetting that there are two children whose lives will be forever changed and impacted by the decisions that they make, and by how "adult" like their parents act.
-I've been cooking new recipes again. I have been taking pictures of the final results. But not step by step pictures. Mostly because some of this cooking is taking place at night, and I don't want the pictures coming out "yellow" because I'm not using natural light. Although twice this week, I took the pictures outside before it got dark.
-Well, now that I'm not thinking about carbohydrates and the retarded presentation that I have to work on this afternoon, I think I'll go fix my lunch and hope that this afternoon is interruption light, because I have to do my homework and my husbands.
-I'm going to be participating in some other blogs "theme days" for a while. I'm just so overwhelmed with work and school, that without a little guidance, you will be lucky to get monthly posts. Look for the first one tomorrow!
~Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes a difference. ~Edna Ellison
Hey, It's Okay: Going To Paris Edition
5 days ago
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