Yeah!! It's a three day weekend!!! Thank goodness. I need to play catch up. This getting back into the groove of homework, work and life in general has kicked my butt. I could use an extra day to get all caught back up (and even ahead).
I'm having lunch with a girlfriend on Saturday and then my weekend plans include, homework, laundry, homework, Scentsy, homework, and Scentsy.
Have a pretty fantastic weekend and be safe!
1. Shoes in the house - yay or nay?
I'm a nayer here. I dislike shoes. Barefoot is better. But when I go outside or out into the garage, shoes are a must.
2. What do you call them- flip flops, slippers, thongs, etc?
Flippy Flops. I don't know why. Mostly because they flip and flop, well they flip and I'm the one flopping. I used to hate them. Until my Aunt introduced me to Yellow Box flippy flops. I swore I would never pay more than $40 dollars for a pair of flip flops, and now I own (gulp) three pair. Thank goodness for sales and groupon.
And Yellow Box.
3. What song are you almost embarrassed to admit you know all the lyrics to?
Amazingly so, I can't think of any, but I don't have kids, so I can't spout out Justin Beiber or Britney Spears (although I did go through a phase where I liked her, many, many, MANY moons ago.)
So I'm claiming nothing, and that's my story and I'm sticking too it.
4. What is the best quality to have in a friend?
Wow, I have to pick just one? Probably honesty and the ability to laugh. I'm sarcastic. I'm snarky. I'm grouchy. Often all at once, and it's nice to have someone who isn't afraid to tell me that I went too far on a comment I made and not feel threatened. It's important that they be able to laugh with me and understand my sick, often warped sense of humor.
Otherwise they would take me seriously when I call them and tell them that I need to borrow a knife and a black trash bag to dispose of my boss.
5. Do you know what you want for Christmas?
Absolutely. Barnes and Noble gift cards. I'm getting rid of all my books (because I have a jillion) and putting them on a Nook. We moved about 2 dozen boxes of books, and that's not right, considering that collection will only continue to grow. They take up less room, they kill less trees, and this way, I don't have to worry about any new animals eating the books. Just the nook. Awesome.
Happy Friday! I'll see you guys on Tuesday. Keep watching for my first giveaway around the middle of the month to celebrate my birthday and my 200th post!
Hey, It's Okay: Going To Paris Edition
5 days ago
I am ready to get rid a of a bunch of books too. I kept quite of few of my college texts and there is really no reason to keep lugging them around so I'm getting rid of them.