I took that leap today, one that has me excited, nervous, scared, and hopeful. I don't remember being this worried when I did this 11 years ago.
I applied to the college, where I am hoping to finish up my bachelor's degree at.
I had to write a few essays, and this one in particular, I thought was fairly good.
Here was my subject, and my following answer:
"The statement of purpose will provide an opportunity to explain any extenuating circumstances that you feel could add value to your application. You may also want to explain unique aspects of your academic background or valued experiences you may have had that relate to your academic discipline. The statement of purpose is not meant to be a listing of accomplishments in high school or a record of your participation in school-related activities. Rather, this is your opportunity to address the admissions committee directly and to let us know more about you as an individual, in a manner that your transcripts and other application information cannot convey."
I don't feel like there are any extenuating circumstances that make me more qualified to attend your school than someone else. I can only say the following, in hopes that you get to know a little about me, and the person that I hope to be.
I went to college right out of high school, but I met the man of my dreams and got married and college was put on hold indefinitely. While most of my friends were studying, I was working and building a life for my new husband and myself. College was always something that I would do "some day". I had begun to believe that day was never going to come.
Last year my father had a heart attack at 51. It was during the weeks that followed that I realized that there was never going to be a "good" time to go back and finish my degree. So I took a leap of faith, and began scouring the Internet looking for options and answers. I finally decided that I would begin my journey with the University of Phoenix. It offered convenience, and it would allow me to continue to work at a job I love and care exclusively for an elderly grandparent.
A few months ago, I began to make sure that the University of Phoenix was still a good fit for me as I began my bachelor's degree. The more research I did, the less comfortable I felt with my decision to stay there and the more I felt that, in order to get a quality education and continue to pursue my dreams, that I needed to go in a different direction. I prayed, I cried, I begged everyone I knew for advice about what to do and where to go. I lay in bed at night and tried to imagine myself as a traditional college student at 31. I tried to imagine myself walking into classrooms with students younger than myself and tried to imagine finding my place at Texas Tech.
Instead of finding my place, I have found possibilities. I have found that I am willing to make sacrifices and let go of things that I enjoy, so that I can pursue this endeavor. The last few weeks as I have let the idea of attending Texas Tech wash over me, I have felt that I understand Dr. Martin Luther King's passion more intently. He too, had a dream, and he was willing to work hard to do what he could to see it through.
I don't think that there is anything about me that makes me more qualified to attend Texas Tech University than another person. I think that my own perseverance and dedication make me an excellent candidate for a future student and graduate. I think that my age and life experiences allow me to be better prepared to move forward with the next chapter of my life.
Since I began this journey over a year ago, I feel that this is the first time that I have found my niche, and I feel like Texas Tech is exactly where I am meant to be.
Hey, It's Okay: Going To Paris Edition
5 days ago
Very well written. You are a very good writer. I hope they let you in because I know that I would. I love you