It's official. I have survived. I have made it halfway through my first semester. I have never been more excited about getting a week off from school in my entire life. Trust me. I'm exhausted. I have wrote papers and studied for exams all week, that it's going to take me a week to recoup. Bad news is, that I have homework to do over Spring Break. I'm pretty sure that wasn't part of the deal, but it's the reality.
So tonight I'm going out to dinner with my husband and drink a margarita or 2 and then I'm going to go home and do Economics homework. Because I'm sure that's what the rest of the people in my class will be doing.
Next week, you get actual posts, and I'm going to be doing some other things around here, facebook (I have had a page their for weeks, just no time to set it up and Twitter.) You are so very welcome.
Have a gorgeous Friday and an even better weekend!
1. Do you know what your REAL hair color is?
My head says Brown, but my heart says Blonde. My heart also says I have blue eyes, even though my driver's license and other legal documents say Brown. But what do they know?!?
My hair is brown. I don't dye it, I'm not really sure why, but I don't. I would like to get it highlighted and low lighted and in between lighted, but I'm chicken. One bad experience will do that to you. So I keep my chocolate lab look. With curls.
2. Do you plan ahead for summer, or fly by the seat of your pants?
I plan ahead for it. I count the days down, then I stay home and go nowhere. We really don't plan trips during the summer. We wait until the kidlets are all in school, and then we go. Hotels are cheaper, gas is usually cheaper, tickets to most places are cheaper. So we go during the off season.
This year my summer planning involves which classes I'm taking. Because like it or not, I will be attending summer school.
3. What is your favorite meal to cook?
Anything and everything. I love to cook, and I don't have a particular favorite meal. When I'm in the mood to cook, I like to be a little more extravagant and cook something a little more fancy than tacos, like risotto. But there isn't one thing that I look forward to making.
4. Do you get offended by not receiving thank yous?
Yes and no. Baby shower, wedding gifts, and graduation gifts - absolutely. Just because or birthday gifts. Nope. I always personally call and thank for just because and birthday gifts because they didn't have to do that. My husband's grandparents require that you send them for every "gift" that they send. Which I hate to do, especially for a card and a check for under $30.
5. How did you meet your best friend?
My bestest friend and I have been friends since 1st grade. I'm not sure how we met, but we have been friends since then. I know we had the same teacher, and in the 80's that was all it took. We live further apart than I would like, but it probably keeps us out of trouble. She is great and has a great family that was my "other" family too.
Happy Friday!
Hey, It's Okay: Going To Paris Edition
5 days ago
I can appreciate your yes and no response to the thank yous question and loving all sorts of food. Have a great weekend, and get that Economics HW done so you can enjoy your spring break, too!