Sorry to disappoint you all, but Wordless Wednesday has been temporarily canceled. After you view the details, I'm sure that you won't mind.
Instead, today, I'm going to play Secret Santa for one of you. Except it isn't a secret. So I guess I'm just going to play Santa's little helper.
This can be yours! Well, not the bad photo, but the beautiful scents inside. Keep it for yourself, give it away. The choice is yours.
Just post a comment between now and Friday at 9:00 am Central time answering the following question:
"If you ruled the world, what holiday rules would you make?" Obviously you won't rule the world before I do, but it's the thought that counts.
The only thing you have to do is make a comment (only one per day) and make sure that I have a way to get in touch with you.
This is my first giveaway, I'm sure that there will be a few snags along the way, so be patient with me. Anonymous commentors won't count, I'm the only one who gets to be anonymous around here.
Hey, It's Okay: Going To Paris Edition
5 days ago
I have decided I don't want to rule the world, I could have a few years ago, but have decided I no longer wish to so that you abby dear are free to rule in my stead. However, if I did, I would make the following holiday rules.
ReplyDelete1. Anyone trying to take the "Christ" out of Christmas would be sent to meet their maker.
2. Re-gifting would be a felony.
3. Christmas music would, in all cases, be voluntary and would not be thrust upon us while we are shopping, driving, etc.
4. The last two weeks before christmas, all stores would ceases selling anything except food items of a normal nature, yet would be required to remain open for last minute shoppers to contemplate their folly at waiting until the last minute to go buy cheap bottom of the barrel crap. That way last minute shoppers would be giving us things we could actually use, such as tea bags, sandwich meat, or laundry detergent.
5. In order to remind us of the "reason for the season:, the 12 days of christmas would different. beginning with the first we would, by popular vote, fire the following
day 1 on the first day of xmas my true love fired for me. a congressman and his lady
day 2 on Two investment bankers
day 3 Three C.E.O.'s
day 4 Four calling plans
day 5 Five tele marketers
day 6 Six rude clerks
day 7 Seven people pushing
day 8 Eight dumb ass managers
day 9 Nine stockers stocking
day 10 Ten crazy drivers
day 11 Eleven regional sales reps
day 12 Twelve cashiers screwing up