Yesterday after reading Baron's Blog, the words were flowing. Yet today after learning that a family whom I grew up with has lost their 23 year old son to a tragic accident, make it hard to find the words for anything.
I was married at 23. That's something that he will never experience. His life had really just began and it was over in almost the same instant. I can't imagine how difficult it is to lose a child. I can't imagine how difficult it is to lose a sibling.
Yet in the same moment there was joy. Because that's how life works. His family knows where he will spend his eternity. There is joy and peace in that.
So today, my request is simple - say a prayer for that family. For the parents who lost their baby. For the brother and sister who have lost a baby brother. For the nieces and nephews who will grow up without his continued wonderful influence. For the grandparents who recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary and their 90th birthdays, who will be burying their grandson this week. Say a prayer for the rest of us who are trying to find peace and understanding at why such an incredible young man's life was cut so short. Then call your brother, sister and parents and be thankful that they are just a phone call away and not facing the alternative that this sweet family is.
~While we are mourning the loss of our friend, others are rejoicing to meet him behind the veil. ~John Taylor
Hey, It's Okay: Going To Paris Edition
5 days ago
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